Thursday, March 25, 2010

April Fool

My Korean visa is finally being processed!! This means that my latest rescheduled flight date - Thursday April 1st, should be the one that sticks. Wow, its really happening, no turning back now...

I plan on having an open mind and seeking new experiences, learning from all sorts of new people, trying new foods, and living among new cultures. Or I'm just a fool who thinks she can take a break from "real life" to teach English to some 15 yr old Korean kids, for fun.

My apartment is almost entirely empty, which saddens me but also reaffirms this choice I have made. Only one more full day until my subletter moves in. Everything is basically packed, just need to do some major cleaning tomorrow. I'm so happy to have found a subletter so that I can keep my apartment :) I love my area: it radiates this great combination of vintage stores, live music, and yummy cafés in a downtown bustling hot spot mixed with the quiet calm of a small community living by the lake. It will be so nice to come home to this place after my time far far away.

When will I return? what will I do when I get back? These are great questions, my friends. I have no idea :) As soon as I figure it out, I'll let you know.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

its not goodbye

so, packing...

it's one thing to set up the biggest move of my life, and then actually moving is a whole other ball game. but many people have done this before me, as will many after me. i have moved 7 times in the past 11 years. best practice? get someone else to do the work :P there's so much to think about! soooo many people who need a goodbye, or rather, see you later.

its crunchtime - serious packing is necessary to make this happen. my flight is reserved for tuesday. i still dont have my visa. i need to get organized. i need to buy toothpaste. i cant believe this time has finally come.

thank goodness for cell phones, email, msn, facebook, linkedin, magic jack, texting, skype, blogs - the world is so much smaller these days :)

alrighty, not much packing done today. now i'm heading out to meet a friend....procrastination is something i will think about doing later.